Culture, Belongingness and Social-Emotional Intelligence

Professional Development: Campus/District

Creating culturally responsive learning environments is about achieving true academic potential for both the teacher and the student through the teaching and learning process. Achieving academic excellence is not purely an intellectual process, it is a process that examines values, beliefs, behaviors and how they interact to influence the culture of learning and achievement. Additionally, it is a process that heightens awareness on how faulty stereotypes regarding race, learning, achievement, and other external factors such as socio- economic status and parental involvement directly and indirectly interfere with producing positive outcomes with teaching and learning. This workshop will provide powerful strategies and changing perspectives for faculties preparing to instructionally align the campus learning environment with a culture of practices and beliefs that enhance and accelerate positive academic outcomes serving to empower the teacher and the learner. Professional Development is customized based on the unique needs of the campus or district. Please call for further inquiry.

Professional development and training
Professional development and training

Cultural First Responders Training of Trainers Certification

The Cultural First Responders Training of Trainers Certification


This TOT training will focus on training campus facilitators with the knowledge, skill set and materials necessary to create culturally responsive climates on their campuses. The cultural responsive workshop is designed for school professionals that desire to have culturally responsive buildings and classroom climates. This workshop will focus on training campus-based designees to facilitate the process of creating cultural climates for an audience of teachers. Participants will experience a training regimen that include mock demonstrations of skill and mastery. They will also be invited to join a closed to the public Facebook group for ongoing support and dialogue and exclusive materials and updates for Level 1 trainers. The TOT certification training includes the Super Symposium.


This trainer certification is specifically for leaders that desire a more advanced skill set, or trainers that will be working with: 1. Multiple Campuses; 2. Building Principals; 3. District Wide Initiatives. This session will focus on scalability, strategic planning and working with building leaders.


This is specifically designated for certifying trainers that will work on implementing the Creative Destiny: creating cultural responsive whole school climate improvement program model. This is the most advanced and intense transformative model in the portfolio.

The LeaderChoice Cultural Practices Certification

The LeaderChoice Certification is designed for campus and district leaders only. This two-day certification seminar focuses on strengthening leadership social/emotional intelligence and mindset, as well as the cultural capacity to recognize bias and create the cultural consciousness needed to impact the social and emotional learning environments of both students and teachers. All materials and the LeaderChoice Cultural Practices Training Certificate will be provided at the end of the training.

Professional development and training


Training of Trainers Recertification

Creative Energy, LLC will annually host a re-certification course once in the fall. All trainers must re-certify once every two years to receive the latest research updates, trainer updates, new materials, and additional online support.

Annual Super Symposium

Creating Cultural Responsiveness Super Symposium is a full-day symposium that provides the Creative Energy cultural experience. This full day of training will:

1. Provide an understanding of what Cultural Responsiveness is and how it influences academic achievement

2. Provide research-based methodologies that help promote cultural responsiveness and address all forms of bias

3. Explore the impact of both teacher and learner needs as it relate to academic relationships and academic achievement, including special education referrals, discipline referrals, and gifted and talented referrals

4. Clearly define how culturally responsive climates address various school issues, including race, student performance, bullying, and future orientation

Participants enrolled in the Training of Trainers Certification workshop are automatically enrolled in the super symposium on day one of their four-day training.

Professional development and training

Creative Destiny

A Culturally Responsive Transformative Model

Creative Destiny is a school wide culturally responsive transformation model that focuses on improving student performance by blending aspects of core values, pro-social behaviors, principles of leadership, brain research and character education through research-based practices.

When implemented with fidelity, the Creative Destiny process supports creating and sustaining culturally responsible schools that improve the teaching and learning process and unlock student achievement while also unlocking teaching potential.

The exclusive purpose of the Creative Destiny model is to improve student academic achievement by integrating culturally responsive teaching and learning practices that align with campus and district goals and expectations.

Creative Destiny does not focus on pedagogical practice. The focus is on how to understand the culture of learning so pedagogical delivery has the greatest impact on student achievement.

 The Creative Destiny process maximizes student learning potential by embracing the belief that teaching and learning are symbiotic relationships in which both the teacher and learner must excel cooperatively, collaboratively as an interdependent relationship.

Creative Destiny is not student focused, it is community focused. It takes into account the total learning environment.

 It is not only focused on creating better students, it also has a strong focus on supporting changing teaching beliefs and behaviors that improve learning behaviors - with a sense of sustainability.

The Creative Destiny process builds teacher efficacy, while simultaneously building student capacity.

The Creative Destiny Transformation Model is a two year commitment that includes:

2: Campus visits per year

2: Campus faculty professional development sessions

4: Leadership virtual training sessions per year

1: Annual registration to recertification conference

1: Leadership Certification for Principals

1: Level 3 TOT certification